Brand new year, brand new wishes. Hello 2007!! Its been a long time since i blog again. I believed it was b4 i left for Korea. Wow, its been a really enjoyable trip for me. I enjoyed myself to the fullest. So much fun, so much entertainment. Its really a different experience to go to a cold country. Take a look at the photos below. Holidays don't last long. Straight after i'm back in Singapore, I have my 2nd ICT. Duh... Sadness after happiness. Hai... Luckily, this year's ICT was a blessing. Due to the heavy downpour period, so much training was cancelled. Haha. Wwhhooo. I would say the whole of Dec was so packed and happening for me. Korea trip, ICT, and my computer broke out in Dec too!!. Damm. Celebrated Xmas by hanging out with friends. Celebrated New Yr's day by hanging out with friends. Haha. Somehow or rather, I don't really feel the mood to celebrate. Perhaps, it would be different if I were to be overseas. Hai... Anyway, since its the beginning of a brand new yr, its time to have new yr resolutions once again and maybe i can look forward to travel again this year. Hahah.

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