Thoughts and emotions flooded my brain cells yesterday. I was on my way back home. Standing in the MRT with hordes of people slowly filling up the cabins. Asked myself several questions but couldn't find the answers to it. Yesterday, I went for my night class. After lessons over, I saw that there was this girl who was in my class, hopped into her BF's Subaru Impreza. We do not know each other at all. However, sadness filled my heart. Not becos I liked or have a crush on her but is becos I was jealous. Jealous of the guy... I admitted that a strong sense of jealousy flowing through my whole body. WTH, I pondered. R all guys with wealth and looks get to hitch girls up more easily? For me, i neither got the looks nor money, not even a prospective career which i could foresee. I wondered.. Y is this world so unfair! Having to remain single for so many years, is 1's misery. Seeing couples cudling each other, holding hands or even wiping each other's sweat, which all these i could only fantasise or daydream really brings out the sorrows in me. When will the day come where I get to grab hold of a girl's hand and never let it go, protecting her and providing with the warmest joy and happiness..

Sign.... When it comes to relationship, I was completely hopeless. One's partner is of importance, and so is one's friendship. For one to have narrow circle of friends and without a partner to care and share sorrows and happiness truly brings out the purest of pain. If only god is one of us, maybe he can help me with something.....

Love you love you May I love you tell me what to do....
1 Response
  1. Jo Says:

    ello..hmmz..cheer up wor..dun be so sad...it takes time to find a perfect gal...im sure u will rather slowly find a right gal than end up gettig hurt rite? Sure ur dream gal will appear one day...and not every gal do go for wealth and looks de wor...juz have more faith and confidence in yourself...kekeke...