Haha. Went Marina Square to day with Ronald, Jimmy and Teck. Its been a long long time since I last went there. It reli changed alot since the renovation. It has turned into a maze!! Omg! Easy to enter, difficult to shop. The layout was simply like a maze. Wonder which brillant architect came out with the layout. We were going in circles trying to find a shop. In the end, we looked up the shops directory, but we still couldn't find!! Alrite then, we gave up. Haha, we really look like tourists there. Luckily not many people there today. Guess most people went chinatown this wkend. Cos the rain finally stopped! Got my pair of Levis jeans today!! Yeah. 1 item down. So many to go!! :(

Ronald bought a pair of clothes and Teck a shirt. Next, after a series of struggling inside there, we left the place. Went suntec next. Went to a few shops and off we go to Lau Pa Sat to have dinner. (Suggested by Jimmy) Y there?? Simply becos he wanted to eat the bbq stingray. OMG!!! Wat Crap!! No choice... Forced by him, we took a bus there. Had our $50++ dinner there, shared by 4, we walked to Fullerton. Enjoying the beautiful scenery , we sat at the bridge at One Fullerton, chit chatting and planning for the brothers' Bdae. Hhaha. Finally left the place for home sweet home at 9+. A brand new week, here I come....
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